
Leadership through governance

Through the Call for Ideas in June 2006, issues around governance were identified as a significant factor in successful leadership development. While many cultural sector governing bodies are highly successful, in general there is a lack of agreed standards of good practice and access to development opportunities increasingly available in other sectors. The Cultural Leadership Programme will invest in activities to support the strengths and address the weaknesses of governance.

The governance strand of the Programme will be delivered in three key areas:

Guidance and Support:
Providing the right resources to support good governance

This project will involve: creating effective signposting to existing information sources; developing new materials (as appropriate) to address the particular needs of the cultural sector; developing partnerships with other sectors who are also addressing these issues; and ensuring that governing bodies know where they can find good quality, reliable support.

Putting into Practice:
Making sure change happens

A range of training programmes and events will help governing bodies undertake their leadership role more effectively. We will pilot different models of governance practice to help understand the roles of governing bodies and work with a range of funding bodies to ensure they put governance leadership into practice.

Telling the Story:
Putting Governance on the Map

An advocacy and communications campaign will promote the benefits of good governance and leadership. This will include: signposting existing best practice; developing a group of ambassadors and friends who are willing to support the campaign; and researching different ways of achieving good governance.