
CLP networks

Our aim is to consolidate the practice of leadership development through network activity and to support a peer group approach to leadership development. This is an action-learning pilot: we want to know what works best and how to share the learning.

The networks span the cultural and creative sector.

There was an enthusiastic response to the invitation to establish a 2nd cohort of networks with over 130 applications submitted at the December 1st deadline - a testament to the high demand for leadership development across the cultural and creative industries. The CLP has only been able to respond to a number of these exciting proposals, but we hope that the energies and ideas that came together in marshalling the proposals can be harnessed for continuing exchange and cross sectoral liaison in the future.

See About the Networks for a full list of network descriptions.


I think leadership is a like a conversation. It's about leading, listening and learning, constantly and concurrently: being open to all possibilities and sometimes re-writing the rules as you go. It's about being yourself and giving others the confidence to do likewise, and not recognising the word 'impossible'.

Sarah Weir, Executive Director, Arts Council England, London